Calder Parish Church

Calder Alpha Group

We are asking for your help and encouragement:

To start thinking about who you can invite (friends, family, neighbours and colleagues)

Your Alpha Group:

is holding a “Supper” on the evening of Friday the 10th March 06.

Venue : dependant on numbers.

What is an Alpha Supper?:

An Alpha supper is a meal, perhaps with live music, followed by testimonies and the Alpha talk: ‘Christianity: Boring, Untrue and Irrelevant?’. The evening rounds off with coffee and invitations to Calder’s Alpha course starting soon after.

People enjoy eating with family and friends. It is a staple activity in all cultures and social backgrounds.

An Alpha supper is a chance for Christians to invite non-churchgoing friends, family, neighbours and colleagues to a fun meal to find out about the Alpha course. The music played at a supper is not Christian and there is no grace before the meal. That way, people can invite their friends knowing that it won’t be off-putting for people unfamiliar with church but the message of Jesus Christ is still presented in a relaxed and non-threating way.